I'm working on my own version of "My Soul Cries Out" ( Origin by YAACOV "Rusty" Burns) .
I love this tune very mouch. I played this song already on Pirmins «When I was 69» (Released in 2019) . You’ll find it in my discography. What I missed on this production was excitment and passion to come from the band behind.
… sorry guys ;-)
So for me reason enough to do it again ; with a new setup. I gathered around very great musicians for my own version of this song
Keyboards : Dirk Wochner (Tina Turner Tribute Show and many others).
Dirk turned this tune into a realy "fresh" jazzy version. LOVE IT:
Drums: Mario "Lepi" Lepore I just love to play with this guy.
Lepi provides the song with passion and excitment
Percussion: Claudio Salsi
Claudio is an an excellent , highly sophisticated drumer. With Claudio I share (since 1994 ) the «Digital ART Studio».
We already did bunge of recordings together On the next ballad I’ll produce , he will play the drums.
( I don't tell you by now what this will be ).